Full citation

Macpherson, A. & Ziolkowski, M. (2005). The Role of University-based Industrial Extension Services in the Business Performance of Small Manufacturing Firms: Case-study Evidence from Western New York. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 17(6), 431-447.

Format: Peer-reviewed article

Type: Research — Non-experimental

Experience level of reader: Fundamental

Annotation: Industrial extension service providers act as links between University-based expertise and industry-based innovation and development. They pair University researchers with industrial projects, aid organizations in acquiring funding, and provide training for process improvement strategies such as Total Quality Management. This article reports the results of a survey questioning clients of a regional industrial extension service provider to determine the impact of services on business performance. Findings indicate superior performance for organizations who sought process and incremental product improvements.

Setting(s) to which the reported activities/findings are relevant: Small business (less than 500 employees), University

Knowledge user(s) to whom the piece of literature may be relevant: Manufacturers, Policy Makers

Knowledge user level addressed by the literature: Organization

This article uses the Commercial Devices and Services version of the NtK Model

Primary Findings

Method: Process and product improvement resulting from the use of university-based industrial extension services help to: maintain a steady flow of income into a region from non-local sources, retain local industrial jobs, promote the use of best practices in manufacturing, enhance the credibility of local organizations via certifications such as ISO and TQM.
Survey data.
Occurrence of finding within the model: Step 4.1


  • Utilization of industrial extension service providers to facilitate process improvement can lead to a reduction in materials waste and improved return on investment.
    Survey. Significant relationship between ROI and the estimated savings from reduced waste. r = 0.662, p= 0.002.
    Occurrence of finding within the model: Step 4.1
  • Utilization of industrial extension service providers to facilitate product improvement can result in faster rates of sales growth and increased job retention.
    Survey data.
    Occurrence of finding within the model: Step 1.5, Step 4.1