Full citation

Franzak, F., Little, M. & Pitta, D. (2008). Product Development for a Stigmatized Segment. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 17(2), 123-127.

Format: Peer-reviewed article

Type: Research — Non-experimental

Experience level of reader: Fundamental

Annotation: A case study describes the process used to develop a marketing strategy for a product designed to reduce childhood obesity. The case describes the identification of the ideal target market segment, determination of trends that may affect sales, the impact of competition, and plans for future developments. Strategies for overcoming a major barrier — the unrecognized need for the product — are also discussed.

Setting(s) to which the reported activities/findings are relevant: Large business, Small business (less than 500 employees)

Knowledge user(s) to whom the piece of literature may be relevant: Manufacturers

Knowledge user level addressed by the literature: Organization

This article uses the Commercial Devices and Services version of the NtK Model

Primary Findings

Barrier: Unrecognized needs: Market segment may not want to admit that they have a need for a particular type of product or service.
Case study
Occurrence of finding within the model: Step 1.1


  • Implement system to facilitate self-education of target market to encourage them to begin to recognize their need for a product.
    Case Study
    Occurrence of finding within the model: Step 7.10
  • Utilize other stakeholders to help target market to see their need for a product or service.
    Case Study
    Occurrence of finding within the model: Step 7.10

Tip: When identifying a target market and marketing strategy for a product that is directed at a stigmatized segment, the following techniques may prove helpful: Identify trends using national survey data; survey individuals to gather perceptions; interview experts for advice; review competitive landscape and differentiate product from alternatives; identify alternative market segments; use after-sales surveys to identify desired product changes.
Case Study.
Occurrence of finding within the model: Step 2.2