SPHHP Outstanding Staff Award

This award is presented to a staff member who has demonstrated distinction in their contributions towards supporting academic excellence and a strong, overall commitment to fulfilling the mission of the School of Public Health and Health Professions. Full or part-time staff appointments with at least one year of employment in the school are eligible. Nominees must have a current Performance Program & Appraisal on file.


The nomination package should include a recommendation letter from the nominator to the Departmental Chair/Unit Head, nominee's resume, and current Performance Program & Appraisal.

The list of applications shall be considered by a Selection Committee composed of the Dean's designate from the SPHHP staff (who shall chair the committee) and each department chair/unit head's designee. The nominee's name (with nomination materials) will be forwarded to the Dean for final approval.


This award recognizes a staff member who:

  • consistently exceeds expectations of job performance and responsibilities;
  • exhibits exceptional resourcefulness, originality, or creativity;
  • interacts effectively with faculty, staff, and students, and continually strives for a positive, collaborative work environment;
  • goes above and beyond their normal responsibilities in terms of time given or degree of effort;
  • has engaged in volunteer community activities which benefit research, education and service;
  • shows evidence of innovations which improve efficiency, collaboration and safety.