
Your practicum (ES 592) will provide valuable field experience where you can apply your theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom to real-world settings.

You’ll complete the three-credit practicum as part of the core requirements for the comprehensive exam option of your master’s degree.

Through the practicum, you will:

  • Expand your knowledge and skills
  • Interact with experienced professionals in a supervised workplace setting
  • Facilitate the transition from student to professional
  • Clarify your career objectives

Preparing for Your Practicum

It is strongly recommended that students complete the three core courses (ES 502, ES 503, and NTR 505) before beginning their practicum. Students are unable to self-enroll in ES 592 Practicum and should contact the graduate office to be force-enrolled in the course. 

As preparation, you’ll need to complete a health form and undergo training in:

  • Universal precautions
  • First aid
  • CPR

If your practicum will involve working with human subjects, additional training may be required. You’ll need to provide documentation outlining completion of these requirements which will be kept in your academic file.

To provide you with legal protection, the practicum must be conducted at an affiliated site. View the list of affiliated sites to find one that best meets your interests. It is possible to add a site to the affiliated list; however, the process can take up to three months.

You’ll submit a brief proposal for your practicum to the director of graduate studies. The proposal should be submitted at least three weeks prior to the anticipated start date, and:

  • Provide a description of the site;
  • Identify the practicum supervisor; and
  • Include a rationale for why the site is suitable, taking into account your training and goals. To truly be of value, your practicum experience should be novel and provide you with opportunities for decision making and problem solving.

The three-credit practicums should be at least 135 hours in duration (or 45 clock hours per credit hour). Many sites, however, may require additional hours.

Concluding Your Practicum

Your course will be graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis, and your practicum supervisor will provide an evaluation.

At the conclusion of your practicum, you’ll submit a report and a detailed timesheet to the director of graduate studies.