Search for Novel Breast Cancer Susceptibility Genes in African American Families

Partnering with the Witness Project, a nationwide cancer information program for African-Americans, UB researchers are conducting the first national study of genes that increase breast cancer susceptibility in African-American families.

Jewels in our Genes.

Title: Search for Novel Breast Cancer Susceptibility Genes in Pedigrees of African Ancestry

Principal Investigator: Heather Ochs-Balcom, PhD

Funding Agency
: Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

Period: 05/20/09 - 05/19/13

Abstract: The goals of this project include conducting focus groups to identify factors related to participation in a family-based genetic study, examining the familial correlations of breast cancer risk factors and tumor characteristics, and conducting linkage analysis for the breast cancer phenotype in African American sample of relative pairs through collaboration with the Witness Project, a community-based program designed to increase cancer screening in African American women.