Steps 6.1 through 6.6

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Click on the toolbox images to view tools related to each step.

Step 6.1

Generate materials list and acquire for prefabrication or DIY assembly. Prepare instructions for assembly and use. Determine lead time for production or for compiling DIY kits.  

Key question to answer in Activity Stage 6: Does the new Instrument/Tool demonstrate access activity, functional utility and beneficial impact?   

Step 6.2

Prepare final cost sheet for all materials, labor, delivery and promotional activity. Set price for marketing and sales.

Set up billing, collections and banking accounts for all future transactions.

Step 6.3

Initiate product manufacturing or kit compilation and launch product/kit offering through planned marketing media and distribution channels.

Implement roll out through planned media, channels and partners.

Knowledge Translation Opportunity — Communicating Availability of Instument/Tool Innovation Output

The promotion of the completed Instrument/Tool is the third opportunity to initiate Knowledge Translation activities in the hope of generating stakeholder awareness, interest and use. The linked Knowledge to Action diagram and table provide more detail reaching external knowledge user groups. 

Step 6.4

Provide product/kits support in the field. Determine if/how Tool/Instrument will be serviced or repaired, and how to communicate this offer to customers.

Provide technical/sales/marketing support as needed to people who acquire product or kit.

Step 6.5

Monitor product performance in market. Determine what warranty — if any — will be made for repair/replacement.

Review and correct any technical or distribution problems to ensure quality and satisfaction.

Step 6.6

 Compare Instrument/Tool performance to initial expectations, assess overall utility to users.

Conduct an efficacy study to document and demonstrate beneficial impacts for users.

Decision Gate 6

Continue Instrument/Tool Production or Kit Assembly?

Project Leaders review performance data to inform future decisions. If yes, continue production/delivery until a pre-determined date or milestone to revisit Decision Gate 6. If no, decide if Instrument/Tool requires new enabling technology (re-initiate Invention Phase II), new conceptualization (re-initiate Discovery Phase I) or simple abandonment — promote accomplishments through continued KT activities.