Innovation Outputs
KU Group Consumers Clinicians Policy Makers  Researchers Brokers Manufacturers
What to Share with Each KU Group Instrumental Use: Must demonstrate value of product to end users via product packaging and marketing efforts. Instrumental Use: Must demonstrate value of product to end users (clinician or their clients) via informational literature, conference presentations, and marketing efforts. Strategic Use: If public funds were used for product development, demonstrate return on investment (ROI). Conceptual Use: Provide information on path to market, barriers encountered and carriers used to overcome barriers to provide product development insights to other researchers. Conceptual Use: Demonstrate ROI (financial, university publicity, student training, etc). Strategic Use: Demonstrate ROI, and identify partnering opportunities with companies producing complementary products.
How to Reach Each KU Group Use news media (targeted print, broadcast and internet based forms); product placement in stores; demonstration packages, and trial use of product. Use sales representatives, product training sessions, news media (print, broadcast and internet based forms); product placement in stores. Offer product demonstrations at conferences and tradeshows. Offer assessment tools that help determine if a product is appropriate for a client, or the ideal configuration, accessories, etc. for product. Provide demonstration packages, and trial use of product. Use email, phone calls, and web links to news stories regarding the product. Report in formal annual performance report. Present findings at research oriented conferences (RESNA, etc.). Use research papers, and PowerPoint presentations. Use formal reports, email, phone calls, and face to face meetings. Face to face meetings may be most effective. Seek out manufacturers at offices, conferences, and tradeshows.  
Anticipated Knowledge Translation Outcomes Consumers can use products, leading to a better quality of life (QoL). Clinicians may use products directly, or recommend products, leading to improved QoL.  Policy Makers can share ROI information with oversight organizations (ex. Office of Management and Budget). Researchers will gain a greater appreciation and understanding of the Knowledge to Action (KTA) process, leading to an increased likelihood that new research will be conducted using the Need to Knowledge and KTA models. Brokers can use ROI information to justify future investments in similar projects. Manufacturers can increase ROI by teaming up with companies selling complementary products.