Tip 4.12

  • Project leader and partners consider feasibility of future scale up (mass production/ delivery) of product/ service, and estimate costs versus planned financing and target price points.
  • Assess required lead times for project components.
  • Identify high-risk areas and bottlenecks in design, fabrication and testing, then create alternate paths.

Primary findings


Platformed products by nature aggregate towards the most prevalent user needs. This may cause smaller groups’ needs to go unaddressed or underserved.
Case study analysis
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Decreases to any costs of production present new opportunities for innovation.
Research conclusions from conceptual framework
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Failure mode effect analysis (FMEA) techniques help the design team to study the causes and effects of product failures. FMEA specifies the various conditions the product will endure, and tests, how it reacts under those conditions, allowing designers to plan a product that will withstand a broader range.
Experiential. Authors' knowledge.
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Modular product architecture is a product generation strategy where one subsystem is created, and then efficiently expanded upon and split into many varietal products.
Case study analysis
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Method: Modular product architecture is a product generation strategy where one subsystem is created, and then efficiently expanded upon and split into many varietal products.
Case study analysis
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