Tip 4.11

Conduct Alpha focus groups using rigorous "Industry standard" methods.

Primary findings

Primary findings


Ideally, the presentation of a concept should offer a realistic description of the proposed product(s), in order to facilitate specific responses from customers. Stimulus materials, such as paper-and-pencil sketches, models, mock-ups and prototypes of the product-to-be, are recommended, in addition to verbal communication when conducting concept testing.
Literature review.
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Consumer participants engage in a brainstorming session to prepare a basic list of specifications for the ideal product or service to be designed. Specifications can include any feature desired by the participants, no matter how outrageous, as well as standard characteristics such as color, weight, function, size, speed, shape, availability, cost, and so on.
Author experience.
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Develop a strong Knowledge Management system within a complete New Product Development Strategy and the New Product Development Performance will be more effective.
Survey. T-Tests and Multiple regressions were performed on each component of Knowledge Management and New Product Development Strategy to New Product Development Performance. All results were found to be significant and positive.
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Unlike focus groups, which are usually completed in less than three hours, consumer design sessions generally require an entire day.
Author experience.
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Use market research and concept testing to define product requirements.
Authors' research experience. More high productivity companies do this compared to low productivity companies.
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