Concentration Specific Competencies

Competencies Addressed by Concentration Specific Coursework

CS1. Apply probability theory and distribution theory. (STA 502 Introduction to Statistical Inference)
CS2. Use preferred methodological alternatives to commonly used statistical methods when assumptions are not met. (STA 503 Applied Statistics I, STA 504 Applied Statistics II)
CS3. Apply different measurement scales for advanced statistical methods such as higher order modeling, to a health-related issue. (STA 503 Applied Statistics I, STA 504 Applied Statistics II)
CS4. Interpret results of health-related statistical analyses from complex studies based on multifactorial designs or mixed effects models. (STA 503 Applied Statistics I, STA 504 Applied Statistics II)

Use multiple linear and logistic regression. (STA 503 Applied Statistics I)

CS6. Use group comparison procedures in ANOVAs. (STA 504 Applied Statistics II)